The Hidden Dangers of Roofing Work in the United States

Roofing work is a hazardous occupation in the United States, with an average of 50 fatalities per year due to work-related incidents. The mortality rate in this industry is significantly higher than other industries, with 29.9 deaths per 100,000 full-time workers. This alarming statistic highlights the need for increased safety measures and awareness in the roofing industry. Sponsored content is a special paid section where companies in the sector provide high-quality, objective, and non-commercial content on topics of interest to roofing contractors. As we can see, roofing accidents have serious consequences and can greatly impact a worker's life.

When an accident occurs on a roof, the injuries are often severe and can even be life-threatening. While it is difficult to determine the exact cause of the decrease in roofing-related deaths, evidence suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting closures may have played a role. Working on a ladder or on the roof of a building is extremely dangerous, even for trained professionals who do this work every day. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 150,000 Americans require medical treatment each year due to roof accidents. Some of the most common injuries include multiple fractures, impalements, brain trauma, spinal cord injuries, and even death.

In addition to the physical pain and suffering, these accidents also result in high medical costs and loss of wages. For residential construction roofers, falls from roof edges account for 70% of work-related fall deaths and 90% of deaths from roof falls. The CDC also reports that over 97% of all accidents involving roofs and stairs occur in residential settings, indicating that many people are not qualified to install or repair their own roofs. Falls from roofs can cause serious injuries or even death, as the height of buildings alone can be dangerous. The Center for Construction Research and Training states that roofers have the fifth-highest work-related mortality rate in construction, with 29.9 deaths per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers.

This is double the average for all construction workers, which is 15.2.These shocking statistics emphasize the importance of following proper safety procedures in the workplace; however, accidents can still occur despite taking precautions.

Flora Mikolajczak
Flora Mikolajczak

Proud pop culture aficionado. Typical pop culture trailblazer. Extreme travel evangelist. Devoted beer maven. Wannabe music junkie. Friendly communicator.

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